Upcoming Gardening Classes at the Arboretum at Tanglewood Park

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We hope to see you at our summer 2024 classes in the Arboretum Adult Education series. Join us in May & June to learn more about gardening!

Classes in the Adult Education series are presented by N.C. Cooperative Extension, Forsyth County Center, and the NC State Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Forsyth County.

Summer classes will occur on Wednesday at noon at Tanglewood Park. Check class details for the building. Registered participants will receive driving directions.

Registration is required due to space limitations. Registration for each program will be available 2 weeks prior to the program date and will close 24 hours prior to the program. Register on our Eventbrite page, visit go.ncsu.edu/forsyth-eventbrite for details. If you need assistance with registration, call 336-703-2850.

pink petunias

We are excited about these upcoming classes:

May 15 – A Guide to Annuals in Your Garden

Annual plants add seasonal color and interest to the garden. In addition to information on growing annuals, this presentation will cover old standbys as well as interesting varieties that are newer to the market. 

The instructor for May is Jim Mitchell, Mitchell’s Nursery.

This class will be held in the Red Barn.

Register for the May class on Eventbrite.


June 12 – Harnessing the Power of Herbs

This class will cover everything from garden to table. Learn about optimum growing conditions for herbs and how to flavor foods using herbs and spices instead of with salt and sugar.

The instructors for June are Linda Garwood Jones, Extension Master Gardener volunteer and Virginia Lopez, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent.

This class will be held in Walnut Hall.

Register for the June class on Eventbrite.

For questions about the Adult Education series, please contact Leslie Rose, Horticulture Agent and Director of the Arboretum at Tanglewood Park, at leslie_rose@ncsu.edu or 336-703-2868.

Summer 2024 Adult Education flyer

View the summer 2024 Adult Education flyer.

Written By

Leslie Rose, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionLeslie RoseExtension Agent, Agriculture - Horticulture Call Leslie Email Leslie N.C. Cooperative Extension, Forsyth County Center
Updated on May 23, 2024
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